Monday, June 2, 2008

My Friend Mr. Hoyt

My friend Mr. Hoyt and I have never been introduced. And I'm quite sure he has never heard of me. But Mr. Hoyt is a man I'd like to know and I would consider it a privilege to be his friend.

I learned about Mr. Hoyt in an email and followed the link to the video below. The email explained that he had a heart condition -- no details about whether this condition required surgery or is managed by medication, diet and exercise. Ah, but the story is lost in the details. Let me share with you what's important.

Mr. Hoyt's son asked him to take him running, which he did. Then the son wanted to run in a marathon together, which they did. Then there were more marathons. Finally, the son asked his father to take part in an Ironman contest, which they did.

I don't know too many fathers who are that involved with their sons. Running takes time. Marathons take an inordinate amount of time and commitment, and Mr. Hoyt gave both to his son. Obviously commitment is one of Mr. Hoyt's strengths. The Ironman requires a 2.4 mile ocean swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile run. And Mr. Hoyt completed the Ironman with his son.

But Mr. Hoyt's son can't swim, or ride a bike, or run, or even walk. Throughout each event, the father carries the son -- and it appears to be a joy for both. Talk about perseverance.

So enjoy this video. It is a remarkable journey that inspires the human heart and comforts the soul. And if you know Mr. Hoyt or happen to run into him, please, give him my thanks for being a hero in a hurried-up, not-now, throw-away world.

1 comment:

Peebie said...

That's the most moving video I've ever seen. Wow, what a father!