Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Coming Out of a Funk

Right after Emo's last post (June 2), it became aware that our business was joining the ranks of 40,000 other small businesses that closed their doors that month. It's a tough ride.

I've learned some things along the way. First of all, a lot of good people exist in this world and they more than make up for the idiots out there. That's a lead in to the acknowledgment that Christ was right when He said, "Ask and you shall receive." More often than not, when I have asked people to work with me, they have. If I hadn't asked, they wouldn't have known I needed help.

Secondly, some people see a need and fill it. I can't say thank you enough to all the people who have been there for me. But every night when I get on my knees, I thank my Good Lord for you and ask Him to pour His blessings upon you.

Third, getting out of a business is a long haul. Closing the doors is merely the first of many, many steps. Some days I take baby steps, some days I can get up to a jog. But this is a marathon, so it will take me awhile.

It took me awhile to get back to writing and I hope to stay at it regularly. What does the old song say? "I pick myself up, brush myself off, and start all over again."

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