Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday AND a Full Moon!

A few ramblings at the end of a long week... it must be the full moon.

The Florida House has flushed its version of the Toilet Paper bill. Not sure what that does to the Senate version. But enough on "business news." Suffice it to say Emo Cat is happy to be out of the litter box and back reading the comics! ...

One of Emo Cat's favorite people passed along two good commentaries on the situation with presidential hopeful Barack Obama and his spiritual mentor. (Thanks, Peebs!) I share the links here, not because I agree with everything in these two opinion pieces (although I do agree with most of them), but because they're well written by people whose prose is excellent and who add dimension to the discussion. It does seem BHO is trying to have it both ways.

1. Ann Coulter: Throw Grandma Under the Bus

2. Jeff Jacoby: It's Still a Question of Wright and Wrong ....

It looks as if there's going to be a cat fight about Florida and Michigan delegates to the Democratic convention. Hmmm... Nobody's coughing up the millions for re-votes. Obama didn't even bother to put his name on the ballot in Michigan. Hillary, on the other hand, seemed to be thinking ahead and made sure she was on the ballot. Will the DNC punish voters in these two (very BIG) states? It's going to be interesting. Seems to me if someone wanted to vote for a person who was not on the ballot, that someone would write in the person's name. I've done it several times when no candidate seemed palatable....

My grandson is a Cub Scout. It's so good to see him learn how to do things a guy needs to do. He can handle a whittling knife safely, pitch camp (two tents, sleeping bags, gas stove, lanterns, coolers, etc.) by himself in an hour, fish, shoot a B-B gun as well as a bow and arrow, build a super fast derby car, and construct a pretty impressive marble chute out of paper tubes. Makes me wonder if he's reading The Dangerous Book for Boys. Scouting continues to provide quality, relevant programs, all these hundred years later...

Meow for now...
We opted for cats over dogs a few years back because we work long hours. Dogs need attention, and our schedules didn't accommodate that kind of time. The cats have filled the gap -- we have two Devon Rex cats and never knew cats could have so much personality. Hence, this blog's name...

So we won't be howling at the moon tonight. Actually we're waiting for gas prices to reflect the $5 a barrel drop in price a few days ago, and for credit card rates to fall in the wake of the Fed's action this week. We won't hold our breaths either. Rising prices are kind of like rubber bands -- once stretched they never get quite back down to their original dimension...

Have a blessed Easter -- hope your basket is full of catnip!

1 comment:

Peebie said...

Hmmm, I agree...who will determine the cleanliness of a public restroom? I know a college professor who worked at McD's while attending college. She said the employees would throw clorox water on the floor because the bosses felt that if they smelled clorox the restroom was clean.
Makes ya wonder!